
Looking after the wildlife in your garden is so important in this day and age. Here are a few tips and pointers to help the visitors to your garden enjoy it as much as you do:

Remember to offer water as well as food for birds and insects – they will always appreciate a bath and a drink especially in dry warm weather.

Don’t be too neat with your flowerbeds – insects like to find little places to live in dead material

Consider a bee/bug hotels – we can supply bug hotels and insect habitats, or they can be made cheaply from materials out and about.

Consider a wildflower area – let the grass grow wild and consider sowing some wildflower seeds.

Plant up the garden with plants that are good for pollinators – Buddleja, Lavender, Ceanothus, Sambucus, and spring bulbs are a good source of early food for the bees, such as Crocus and Narcissi.

Plant fruit trees – a great idea with kids to see where food comes from, and these help to clean the air too – Apple Katy is a good variety or Pear Conference – both of which we grow in our own garden.

Look out for local wildlife – watch to see what birds arrive in the garden for example and research what they like to eat, tailor your bird table accordingly. You might be lucky and have Hedgehogs, so make sure they have easy access through the garden – cut accesses in the bottoms of fences and gates.

Ponds are a great idea, even ones in old barrels (we sell these too!) or tubs, but make sure there is easy access for animals to get out as well as in.

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